Our main objective is to help you with Crosswords with Friends June 5 2021 Answers. There are lots of crosswords out there but not many of them are written for today’s world. In Crossword with Friends you’ll have the opportunity to hunt words of the modern era that are described by well-written clues. This word puzzle is about entertainment, celebrities, sports, and much more. It’s also a great way to keep yourself updated with modern terms, celebrity names, etc. The truth is, the crossword is not easy. That’s why we’ve taken care of solving each possible clue for every crossword from Crossword with Friends.
Crosswords with Friends June 5 2021 Answers
- Mouse-catching animal
- Emily Deschanel's relationship to Zooey for short
- Person who might pose as a diplomat
- Young Darth Vader's nickname
- That's a ___ to take in
- Digit visible in a flip-flop
- 100 Love Sonnets poet from Chile who won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1971: 2 wds.
- Have a snack
- Team that retired Johnny Bench's #5 and Barry Larkin's #11
- Estrangements
- Comedy series that turns 46 years old this year: Abbr.
- ___ Today (countrywide newspaper)
- Suffix meaning sorta
- The Lovebirds actress ___ Rae
- White Egrets poet from Saint Lucia who won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1992: 2 wds.
- Consider to be
- Back in the day
- Sound of impact in comic books
- ___ out (decline to participate)
- Stabilizers for broken bones
- Place to practice aikido or judo
- Boating implement that rhymes with four and more
- The Wild Iris poet from the US who won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2020: 2 wds.
- Shoot-'em-___ (movies full of gunfights)
- Goo for a road crew
- Peep from a sheep
- Let's ___ Loud (Jennifer Lopez song)
- Seattle Storm point guard Bird
- Insect with no ears
- Jockey's headwear
- Actress ___ de Armas
- Land of Lhasa apsos and yaks
- Opening for a token
- ___ cannon (particle-based weapon in The Empire Strikes Back)
- Rear end of a ship
- High-low ___ (variety of poker)
- Pea holders
- Thumbs-up vote similar to aye
- Type of eye surgery
- Artifact from a distant era
- Actor Paul whose first movie was Clueless
- ___ your point: 2 wds.
- Cost of a Lyft ride
- Ultra-soft style of carpet
- ___ team (police crisis unit)
- Breaks into tears
- Number considered for a potential hall of famer for short
- Sources of quick cash: Abbr.
- Symbol such as Loudly Crying Face
- In the immediate region
- Fence supports
- Dutch island off the coast of Venezuela
- The straight ___ (the unvarnished truth)
- Boot from power
- Shape-shifting monster in the story Puss in Boots
- Haul with effort
- Water in France
- Shaving cream container
- Actress Dennings of WandaVision